
What does Valium do to help with anxiety?

Medical Disclaimer

The medicines listed on this website are only there to give you knowledge. Just because they are on the list doesn’t mean that anyone will be given them; in the end, treatment decisions are up to the healthcare workers. The medicines on this list are not all of them. Doctors may recommend other drugs, even ones that don’t contain stimulants, depending on the patient’s specific health needs and circumstances.

Key Points

  • Benzodiazepines are the name of the group of drugs that Valium is in. Because it calms the brain and nerves, it is used to help people with worry conditions.
  • Valium makes the affects of the chemical GABA stronger and makes you feel calm.
  • Common and unusual side effects are possible, and there is a chance of becoming dependent on it, so it is generally only recommended for short-term use.
  • Valium can only be bought with a prescription from a licensed medical worker.

The American Psychiatric Association’s yearly poll showed that 6% more people ↗  feel nervous now than they did the year before. You are not the only one who feels stressed out all the time or has trouble keeping a good attitude.

But if worry and nervousness get too much, it’s best to get help from a professional. If someone has an anxiety condition, their doctor may suggest treatment or medicine, such as Valium (diazepam). Keep reading to find out more about this drug, how it works, any side effects it might have, and more.

What does Valium do?

Benzodiazepines ↗ are the chemical name for Valium, which is also known as diazepam.
This group of drugs works on the central nervous system (CNS) and is called a CNS tranquilizer. They help your brain slow down by reducing the activity of neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that send messages between nerve cells. This makes you feel calm and sleepy.

Valium is used to treat a wide range of diseases, from nervousness to seizures and muscle cramps. It has been shown to help ↗ treat anxiety, but it can only be used with a prescription and under the supervision of a doctor.

How do you use Valium?

Most of the time, valium is used to calm and soothe people, which may be important for some situations. Here are some of the most popular reasons why doctors prescribe diazepam:

  • Anxiety Disorders: People with ongoing anxiety often feel restless and worry too much. Valium is FDA-approved ↗ to treat these symptoms. If you have generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, or another anxiety disorder, this medicine can help.
  • Stress and cramps in muscles that get stiff because of joint problems can be eased with diazepam.
  • For people who have seizure conditions, Valium is also used because it stops seizures. In an emergency, it is often used to stop seizures, and people who have long-term problems that cause seizures take it with other drugs.
  • sleeplessness: This drug is often used to treat sleeplessness caused by stress. For long-term sleeplessness, though, it’s not recommended because of the bad effects it can cause.
  • Valium can also be used to put people to sleep during medical treatments.

Especially, the use of diazepam should be closely watched and controlled to avoid

possible side effects or quickly fix them. Usually, the dose is set based on how bad the patient’s situation is and other health factors.

Just how does Valium work for anxiety disorders?

The GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptors are what Valium binds to. These sensors in our bodies mostly help us relax by slowing down nerve activity in the brain. They also help people with anxiety and panic disorders who feel like they can’t move.

By attaching to these receptors, diazepam raises the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid that the body naturally makes. When your GABA levels rise, you start to feel calm and loose, which helps you deal with your anxiety symptoms.

Comparing Valium to Other Antianxiety Drugs

Other ways to deal with worry are the ones below:

  • SSRIs, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, include the drug Prozac (fluoxetine).
  • SNRIs, or selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, include Cymbalta (duloxetine).
  • Buspirone
  • Xanax (alprazolam) is another drug.

Valium starts to work faster than some other anxiety drugs; it can reach its highest levels in the blood in as little as 1.5 hours ↗ , while SSRIs and SNRIs take a few weeks to start working. Diazepam, on the other hand, shouldn’t be used for long-term care because it can lead to abuse and withdrawal effects. Because of this, it is usually used for short-term anxiety, while long-lasting medicines are thought to be better for long-term diseases like generalized anxiety disorder. Based on your symptoms and needs, only a doctor or nurse can tell you what the best treatment for anxiety is.


Valium Dosage | Lillie's FriendsThe US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says that people with nervousness should start by taking two to four 2 mg to 10 mg Valium pills every day. It can start out low enough to be effective, or it can be changed as the treatment goes on. Keep in mind that each person chooses their own amount, and the best way to get the best results is to do what your doctor tells you to do.

Side Effects

Valium can help with a number of problems, but it can also cause side effects that you need to know about right away in order to get help.

Effects that happen often:

  • Getting dizzy
  • Feeling sleepy
  • Being lost
  • Tiredness
  • Weak muscle groups
  • Ataxia, which makes it hard to coordinate and control your muscles
  • Stifling of emotions
  • Changes in mood
  • Changing how much you eat

Very rare side effects:

  • Depression of the lungs
  • Feeling very sleepy or tired
  • Fits and seizures
  • High blood pressure
  • Anaphylaxis • Sadness
  • Weak muscle groups
  • Yellow skin
  • Reaction to an allergy

Having mild side effects from your medicine is normal and usually won’t put your life at risk. But if you have any serious or upsetting side effects, like sunburn, hallucinations, delusions, a major allergy, or falling over a lot, you should talk to your doctor right away.

Cautionary Notes and Not Recommended

Health History

Before your doctor gives you Valium, make sure you have told them everything they need to know about your medical background, including the following:

  • Any allergies you might have
  • Glaucoma
  • Disease of the kidneys or liver
  • A history of drug abuse
  • Trouble breathing
  • Problems with emotions

Any of these situations could change the choice of medicine.

Possible Interactions Between Drugs

Valium might not work well with some medicines you are taking or have recently been taking, like anticonvulsants, antidepressants, antihistamines, other benzos, and so on. Because these drug combinations could cause breathing problems, drowsiness, or other problems, you should let your doctor know about all the medicines you are taking.

Responses from Allergies

People who know they are allergic to this drug should not take it. It’s important to get medical help if an allergy rash, hives, swelling, or other sign gets worse.

Depression in the CNS (central nervous system)

For safety reasons, you shouldn’t drive or use heavy machinery after taking Valium. It slows down reactions and calms the nervous system. To make things even safer, stay away from alcohol and other drugs that make you sleepy.

Dependence and Pulling Away

Because it can be abused and lead to dependence ↗, diazepam is only used for short periods of time.

help for people with anxiety and panic illnesses. People who take large amounts of this drug or use it for a long time may become dependent on it and experience withdrawal effects when they stop taking it. Some of these signs are shaking, anxiety,

irritability, muscle pain, seizures (in the worst cases), and other things. To lower the chance and severity of withdrawal, it is best to slowly lower the dose.

Can people who are pregnant or breastfeeding take Valium?

There is a general link between benzodiazepines and bad results during pregnancy but not all drugs in this class have the same effects. On the official label of the drug, it says that taking Valium while pregnant is not suggested unless the doctor says that the benefits are greater than the risks. Valium can also get into breast milk, so it’s not a good idea to breastfeed while taking this drug. Talk to your doctor about other options and get a personalized treatment plan that takes your present needs into account.

Getting a Valium prescription from an online doctor

Valium is only given to people who have been labeled with an anxiety problem and not to people who just have mild anxiety. It is one of many medicines that can help with these conditions, and the doctor or nurse will pick the best one for you during the appointment. The steps in the process are these:

  1. You can book a meeting with a doctor by signing up on the site.
  2. Talk about your symptoms and medical background so that the best medicine can be chosen.
  3. Get a prescription if it’s thought to be important.
  4. Fill it out at a drug store.
  5. Follow-up visits are important for tracking and making changes if your doctor tells you to.

In conclusion

It is possible for diazepam to help temporarily ease the signs of nervousness. It may also have risks and side effects, so make sure you follow your doctor’s advice about the right way to use it and how much to take.


What happens when you use Valium?

Because it works on the central nervous system, Valium can help people with worry feel calm, sleepy, and able to relax their muscles. Keep in mind that results may not be the same for everyone, and if you have serious side effects, you should talk to your doctor.

How often can I take Valium medication for anxiety?

A healthcare source will figure out the right amount to take and how often to take it based on your situation and other health factors. You can make an online meeting to get personalized advice.

Do doctors commonly prescribe Valium?

Yes, it is a popular pharmaceutical drug used to treat nervousness. Even so, there might be a better option for some people based on their situation.

Can you use Valium for anxiety daily?

Because of the chance of resistance, habit, and other bad effects, it's not a good idea to use it for a long time. Talk to your healthcare provider about how long the treatment will last and any other directions they may have.

What are the advantages of Valium?

Valium can help some people who are dealing with severe nervousness. Because it relaxes the nervous system, it can also help with tremors, seizures, and some other diseases.

How is Valium different from Xanax?

Both drugs are benzodiazepines, which are in the same family, and are used to treat anxiety conditions. However, the FDA has only allowed Xanax for anxiety and panic attacks. Valium, on the other hand, has been approved for a number of other conditions, such as muscle cramps, seizures, and more. They both work about the same, and because they can lead to addiction, they should only be used for a short time.

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