Uses, Dosage, and Side Effects of Paroxetine (Paxil) for Anxiety

Uses, Dosage, and Side Effects of Paroxetine (Paxil) for Anxiety

The medicines listed on this website are only there to give you knowledge. Just because they are on the list doesn’t mean that anyone will be given them; in the end, treatment decisions are up to the healthcare workers. The medicines on this list are not all of them. Doctors may recommend other drugs, even ones that don’t contain stimulants, depending on the patient’s specific health needs and circumstances.

Paxil is a brand name used to promote the medication known as paroxetine. This prescription drug is part of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) family, which is used to treat anxiety as well as other mental health issues. The medication relieves symptoms brought on by low serotonin levels by adjusting the amount of serotonin hormone in the blood.

Let’s read more about using Paxil to treat anxiety in this article, including how much to take, when to see results, and other important information.


Paxil is prescribed by doctors to treat a variety of mental illnesses, such as:

These disorders are often caused by an imbalance in the brain’s natural serotonin level. By restoring the equilibrium of serotonin levels, using this medicine improves mood, appetite, interest in day-to-day activities, and sleep quality.

In individuals with OCD, paroxetine lessens the persistent need to do certain activities again and over. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder, for instance, may wash their hands more often, tidy their homes, or check things more than once. Consequently, this illness often makes it difficult to go about daily tasks normally. To reduce such compulsions [1*], substantial dosages of SSRI medications [2*], such as sertraline and paroxetine, are often administered.

Methadone for Anxiety

When your doctor prescribes paroxetine for anxiety, it lessens shaking and other physical symptoms as well as emotions of dread or impending doom and undesired thoughts. The drug is used to treat a number of anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder, social anxiety, and generalized anxiety disorder [3*].

How Much Paroxetine Is for Anxiety

Paxil comes in three different forms for adult use: suspension, controlled-release tablets [4*] (Paxil CR), and immediate-release pills [5*]. The doses for the tablets of paroxetine are 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, or 40 mg. There are three dosage options for Paxil CR: 12.5 mg, 25 mg, and 37.5 mg.

The kind of illness, comorbidities, patient age, and the recommended pharmaceutical formulation all affect the dose of paroxetine for anxiety. In the first course of treating social anxiety disorder (also known as social phobia), your doctor will often prescribe 20 mg of paroxetine once day. Subsequently, the dosage is modified based on the patient’s reaction to therapy. The usual maintenance dosage is between 20 and 60 mg per day. When treating panic disorder, starting doses of paroxetine are often lower, starting at 10 mg.

How Much Time Does It Take for Paroxetine to Treat Anxiety?

Paroxetine and other SSRIs do not quickly relieve anxiety, in contrast to other drugs that could. The desirable benefits of paroxetine often take 1-2 weeks to manifest after starting medication.

The 4-6th week[6*] of therapy is when paroxetine for anxiety often starts to take action. Consequently, don’t assume the medication isn’t functioning if you take it for the first few weeks and don’t see any noticeable changes. Unless your doctor instructs you otherwise, don’t stop taking your prescription.

How to Treat Anxiety with Oral Paroxetine

Take your prescription medication at the same time every day for best benefits. As prescribed by your physician, you may take paroxetine pills orally, either with or without meals. One of the primary negative effects of the drug is counteracted by eating while taking it.

Due to its once-daily dosage, paroxetine is a handy drug. Consult your doctor about taking Paxil at night if you experience daytime drowsiness or sleepiness while taking it.

To minimize the possibility of adverse effects, your doctor will begin you on a lesser dosage and increase it gradually. In spite of your perception that your illness is not improving quickly enough, do not exceed the recommended dosage.

How to Treat Anxiety with Oral Paroxetine

Adverse Reactions to Paroxetine

Everybody will experience paroxetine’s side effects differently. The most frequent adverse effects are tiredness, dry mouth, nausea, altered appetite, weakness, and difficulty falling asleep. The adverse effects are typically moderate and transient, but if they become worse or continue, you should call your doctor right once. Yawning, increased perspiration, and blurred vision are among other adverse effects of paroxetine.

It is customary for your doctor to give this medication after determining that the advantages outweigh any potential drawbacks, so you shouldn’t hesitate to take it. Paroxetine users seldom ever have severe adverse effects that require stopping the medication.

However, you should call your doctor right away if you have any of the following symptoms while taking paroxetine.

Serious Side Effects of Paroxetine

Pupil widening, eye discomfort, haloes around lightbulbs, and coffee-ground vomitus with black stools are examples of serious side effects that call for prompt medical attention.


Before taking the drug, let your doctor know if you have any allergies, including a paroxetine allergy. Remember to ask your pharmacist for clarification if you have any questions about how the drug may interact with other prescriptions.

Your whole medical history, including any family or personal history of peptic ulcer illness, mental problems, or suicidal thoughts, should be disclosed to your doctor. Make careful to mention any issues with your kidneys or liver, since they may have an impact on how well your body processes the medicine and its byproducts.

When taking paroxetine, you shouldn’t consume alcohol or cannabis as they might cause adverse effects including sleepiness and vertigo. Before beginning to use paroxetine for anxiety, you should let your doctor know if you currently use cannabis products.

Moreover, if you feel lightheaded after taking this medication, stay away from operating heavy equipment that demands intense focus.

Finally, compared to the general population, senior people are more likely to develop adverse effects from paroxetine, such as loss of coordination, bleeding tendencies, and salt imbalance.


One drug that is often recommended to alleviate anxiety is paroxetine. Each patient’s dose and dosing regimen are modified individually. If you exhibit any of the signs of an anxiety disorder, get in touch with a prescriber to create a customized treatment plan. Get informed about the characteristics and potential adverse effects of the drug you are given, and have a specialist evaluate your progress and symptoms.