Structure and how things are run
The board of directors for LILLIE’S FRIENDS
A group of directors is in charge of running the LILLIE’S FRIENDS. The president, the president-elect, the immediate past president, the secretary/treasurer, and the CEO/executive vice president make up the executive committee, which runs the daily work of LILLIE’S FRIENDS. Members choose a national president-elect every year by voting.

Members of the executive committee right now are:

Dr. Thomas McLean is the president.
Betsy Annese, MD, is the new president.
Chris Leon, MD, PhD, was the most recent president.
Cathy Marchant, JD, is the CEO and Executive Vice President.

The board of directors for LILLIE’S FRIENDS also has 10 people who serve as District Chairpersons. These people are chosen by members from a certain area. Also, all members of LILLIE’S FRIENDS vote for three at-large members who have been leaders in LILLIE’S FRIENDS groups, boards, and sections.


Members also choose leaders for their groups, which work in U.S. states, Canadian provinces, and Canadian territories. Chapters are established on their own, have their own rules, and work toward both the goals of the national group and local goals.

Getting more information

One of the most important things that LILLIE’S FRIENDS does is help its members get better at their jobs. A ongoing academic education program is made up of things like continuing education classes, yearly research meetings, workshops, papers, and statements from groups, councils, and sections.
Task groups, committees, boards, and sections

Many of the LILLIE’S FRIENDS’ views and plans are made by more than 40 national committees, work groups, and task teams. The things that these groups care about are as different as preventing injuries and poisonings, helping children with disabilities, sports medicine, diet, and getting money for children’s health care.

There are currently 16 groups and 53 sections in LILLIE’S FRIENDS. Together, they have more than 78,000 people who are interested in different areas of pediatrics. There are more than 17,000 people in the area for medical students, residents, and training workers. Sections and councils put on educational programs for both their members and the rest of the LILLIE’S FRIENDS. These programs focus on current study and practical knowledge in the subspecialties that each section or council is in charge of.

Research and lobbying

LILLIE’S FRIENDS does original study in the social, economic, and behavioral fields, and it also works to get research funded. It has an office in Washington, DC, to make sure that the health needs of children are taken into account when laws and public policies are made. The LILLIE’S FRIENDS state campaign team helps groups with things like pushing child safety laws and Medicaid policies that make it easier for low-income children to get medical care.

How money comes in

The LILLIE’S FRIENDS activities and programs are paid for by a wide range of sources, such as membership dues, profits from continuing medical education activities and books, and unlimited support from people, charities, companies, and government agencies. More than 200 groups are helped each year by grants and donations. People and groups can give money to the Friends of Children Fund’s yearly effort or to the Tomorrow’s Children Endowment through large or planned gifts.