
How Does Effexor Work for Anxiety?

The medicines listed on this website are only there to give you knowledge. Just because they are on the list doesn’t mean that anyone will be given them; in the end, treatment decisions are up to the healthcare workers. The medicines on this list are not all of them. Doctors may recommend other drugs, even ones that don’t contain stimulants, depending on the patient’s specific health needs and circumstances.

Recent research shows that over 30% of persons in the US[1*] have anxiety disorders at some point in their lives. Anxiety disorders may disrupt daily routines, including the capacity to complete chores and form personal connections.

Anxiety may be treated with a variety of approaches, including medication, therapy, and lifestyle modifications. Effexor is a drug used to treat anxiety disorders. It is available in extended-release formulations, such as Effexor XR. The immediate release version (Effexor) has been withdrawn, although it is still accessible in generic form. But is Effexor effective for anxiety?

Continue reading to discover more about Effexor for anxiety and depression, as well as its alternatives.

What is Effexor.

Effexor (venlafaxine) is a kind of antidepressant known as a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI). SNRIs increase norepinephrine and serotonin levels, allowing the brain to maintain their equilibrium.

Effexor[2*] has been licensed to treat severe depressive disorders, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder in adults.

Studies indicate that Effexor may alleviate symptoms of:

How Does Effexor Work For Anxiety?

Mood control involves three fundamental chemicals known as monoamines. They mainly act as neurotransmitters, sending nerve messages to their particular receptors in the brain. Effexor targets the following neurotransmitters:

If you suffer from depression, raising your norepinephrine and serotonin levels at the same time will help. People suffering from stress and depression have very low levels of these neurotransmitters in their brains and bodies. Antidepressants like Effexor increase the availability of these neurotransmitters, which reduces anxiety.

Proper Effexor Dose for Anxiety

Effexor is available as oral tablets (generic versions) and extended-release capsules, which minimize the number of daily doses. It is suitable for a long-term use. Effexor XR is not a controlled substance.

Proper Effexor Dose for Anxiety?

Venlafaxine is available in the following doses:

A healthcare professional will calculate a patient’s dose depending on their age, symptoms, medical condition, and reaction to therapy.

One may also get a prescription for the shorter-acting venlafaxine, which should be taken two to three times each day. Beginners should often start with a modest dose of Effexor and gradually increase it depending on their reaction.

Effexor XR should be used in the morning or evening, with meals. Make a regular routine of taking a capsule at the same time. Swallow one pill and then drink lots of water. It shouldn’t be eaten or crushed.

Before using Effexor

Before using Effexor, it is important to consider certain health concerns. These might affect the drug’s efficacy or safety.

Is Effexor Effective for Anxiety?

Effexor XR may be beneficial in treating some mental health disorders. Because Effexor modulates emotions, sleep, and stress levels, it may help to reduce panic episodes by lowering anxiety and boosting mood. Effexor XR’s effects might be felt in 4-12 weeks, depending on the medical condition for which it is given. Research[3*] supports the efficacy of Effexor XR in treating anxiety in adults.

However, this medicine may produce adverse reactions in certain individuals. The majority of adverse effects are modest, but some are severe. Before using Effexor for anxiety, talk to your doctor about possible side effects so you know what to expect.

Potential Side Effects of Effexor

Effexor has various adverse effects, however not everyone experiences them. Most individuals have moderate side effects, if any at all. Some side effects include:

Some of these adverse effects may improve with time. If a person develops chronic or unfavorable side effects after starting therapy, they should see a healthcare practitioner.

Alternatives to Effexor for anxiety.

Alternatives to Effexor include the following:

Wrapping Up

Effexor is an antidepressant that is used to treat generalized anxiety disorder and other forms of anxiety. As an SNRI, it increases norepinephrine and serotonin levels, regulating mood, sleep, and alertness.

However, Effexor has various adverse effects and interactions. Before taking the medication, you should talk to your doctor about your symptoms and medical history. It may take up to 4 weeks to see the advantages of Effexor, so be patient while using this drug.

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