
Potential side effects of (Xanax) Alprazolam

The medicines listed on this website are only there to give you knowledge. Just because they are on the list doesn’t mean that anyone will be given them; in the end, treatment decisions are up to the healthcare workers. The medicines on this list are not all of them. Doctors may recommend other drugs, even ones that don’t contain stimulants, depending on the patient’s specific health needs and circumstances.

About 31.1% [1*] of adult Americans have anxiety disorders at some time in their life, and 4.7% [2*] have panic disorder. Healthcare providers offer psychotherapy or prescribe drugs to assist manage problems that create stress and interfere with everyday functioning. Xanax (alprazolam), an FDA-approved [3*] medicine for anxiety and panic disorder, is one of the often recommended choices. It may be used off-label to treat sleeplessness as well. Nevertheless, Xanax has side effects just like any other medication.

This blog article examines Xanax in more detail, going over possible side effects and things to think about. Continue reading to find out more about this medication’s key ingredients and topics you should bring up with your doctor prior to beginning treatment.

Comparing Xanax and Xanax XR

The instant-release version of Xanax (alprazolam) [4*] releases its active component into the circulation quickly, causing a fast beginning of effect, often within 1-2 hours. As opposed to Xanax, Xanax XR [5*] is an extended-release pill whose active ingredient is released gradually, resulting in a delayed beginning of effect. Xanax XR’s effects might last for up to 11 hours [6*] or longer. But keep in mind that everyone will experience this differently.

Additionally, these formulations’ half-lives vary. Half of the active components in Xanax take around 11.2 hours to exit the body. However, at around 15.8 hours, Xanax XR has a much longer elimination half-life. Because of these distinctions, Xanax may be used to treat anxiety disorders as well as panic disorders, but Xanax XR is mainly meant to treat panic disorders.

Because of its comparatively short duration of effect, Xanax is often taken up to three times a day in order to keep the body’s therapeutic levels constant. On the other hand, Xanax XR offers consistent relief all day long and is often taken only once. Keep in mind that these suggestions may change based on a variety of circumstances, so it’s imperative that you speak with your doctor about how to take any prescription medicine.

Typical Xanax Side Effects

There is a spectrum of possible adverse effects associated with Xanax, ranging from mild to severe. Although not everyone may meet them, it’s crucial to be aware of them so you can report any that you do. Since different doses of Xanax are recommended for anxiety disorders and panic disorders, there might be differences in the adverse effects. There is often a larger chance of adverse effects with higher dosages. For anxiety and panic disorder, the maximum daily recommended dose of Xanax is 4 mg and 10 mg, respectively.

When using Xanax at lower doses to treat anxiety problems, people may experience:

Common adverse effects [7*] of larger doses of Xanax used to treat panic disorder include:

Xanax’s Mild Side Effects

While mild side effects are comparatively prevalent, they might also sometimes result from missing a dosage. Among them are:

Unless these adverse symptoms worsen or continue, they may not need medical treatment. On the other hand, report any strange or unpleasant symptoms to your physician.

Extreme Side Effects

Serious Xanax side effects need seeing a doctor right away. These are listed in the following order:

Warnings About Xanax

Due to its Schedule IV [8*] classification as a prohibited drug, Xanax is associated with a particular set of cautions and warnings. Important use guidelines are included on the prescription label. Because of the significant danger of dependency and tolerance associated with this medicine, it is imperative that you closely follow your doctor’s directions about the dose and course of therapy for Xanax. See your doctor for advice if you feel that your symptoms are not getting better or if you think you may need to alter your dosage. Don’t try to adjust your dosage on your own.

Liver Activity

A lot of medicines are processed in your liver. Certain medications are initially inert and only become active after they are processed by the liver. The drug’s intended therapeutic impact is produced by these active versions.

Among the medications that go through this mechanism in the liver is Xanax (alprazolam). It might take up to 20 hours for the body to eliminate Xanax if the liver isn’t functioning correctly. Therefore, individuals who have liver disease [9*] tend to have higher blood levels of Xanax in their systems for longer periods of time, which prolongs the drug’s effects. Therefore, doctors typically give Xanax at a lower dosage and keep a closer eye out for adverse effects in patients with liver problems.

Furthermore, some research [10*] has shown that using Xanax excessively or improperly may raise the levels of certain liver enzymes, which may signal or exacerbate inflammation or damage to the liver cells. Therefore, if you are thinking about using Xanax for therapy, it is imperative that you inform your doctor of any liver problems.

common side effects of (xanax) Alprazolam

Drug Use Disorder

Substance use disorders arise from prolonged, high-dosage substance use that negatively impacts a person’s everyday functioning and health. Examples of these substances include drugs and alcohol. Alprazolam, the ingredient in Xanax, is a member of the benzodiazepine drug class, which is well-known for its propensity for addiction and misuse. It may lead to drug use disorder if used improperly or without a prescription, thus it should only be used under the supervision of a healthcare provider.

When benzodiazepines are misused, it’s common to take more than the prescribed amount and mix them with alcohol, illicit narcotics, or other medications. This greatly increases the chance of developing major issues including breathing difficulties, overdosing, or even passing away. Thus, before writing a prescription for Xanax, medical experts check and assess their patients for drug addiction and misuse. Individuals who take drugs are also more likely to experience the symptoms of withdrawal.

It is essential to get assistance from a healthcare physician or addiction expert if you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties related to drug use disorder, including misuse of Xanax or any other substance.

Effects on Senior Citizens

The effects of Xanax on older adults [11*] vary due to age-related changes in their bodies. People’s metabolisms slow down with age, and this includes the way their bodies metabolize Xanax. Because of their slowed metabolism, Xanax remains in their bloodstream for longer. As a result, elderly people are more likely to have adverse effects and possible interactions with other drugs.

Increased sleepiness, cognitive issues, decreased coordination, and increased sedation are the most common adverse effects of alprazolam in older persons. There may be serious hazards associated with these consequences, such as an increased chance of falls and associated injuries.

Because of these factors, medical practitioners often use caution when giving Xanax to elderly individuals, lowering the dosage and constantly monitoring for side effects. For older individuals, adjusting the dose in accordance with personal reactions becomes an essential tactic in guaranteeing the efficacy and safety of the prescription.

Being pregnant and nursing

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States has classified alprazolam as pregnancy class D, suggesting possible dangers to the baby. Research [12*] reveal that giving Xanax to a baby during the latter stages of pregnancy may cause withdrawal symptoms, diminished muscular tone, respiratory depression, and lethargy. When using Xanax, these side effects need to be closely watched and managed. It’s important to let your doctor know if you are pregnant or want to get pregnant while using Xanax, even if there isn’t enough evidence to conclude that the drug causes major birth problems in the first stages of pregnancy. Additionally, since nursing infants might experience negative effects including sleepiness and withdrawal symptoms, it is not recommended to nurse while using Xanax.

Xanax Withdrawal Effects

The reason Xanax is given for brief periods of time is because prolonged usage of the drug may lead to physical and psychological dependence. It presents a risk of withdrawal syndrome [13*] upon quitting or quick dosage decrease upon larger doses or longer duration of use. Depending on the individual’s dose, length of usage, and general health, withdrawal symptoms may range from moderate to severe. Withdrawal symptoms can also include a spectrum of physical and psychological impacts.

Withdrawal from Xanax may be unpleasant and, in some cases, can result in potentially fatal withdrawal symptoms.

Effects of Rebound

When you stop taking a medicine, the symptoms it was meant to treat with either return or worsen. This is known as a rebound effect. Rebound effects usually vary according on why you took the medication. These side effects of Xanax include increasing sleeplessness, increased or rebound anxiety, and recurrence of panic episodes.

The reason for the prevalence of rebound effects after benzodiazepine withdrawal is that these drugs reduce anxiety and promote sleep. However, your brain may respond by exacerbating these problems if you stop taking them. Consult a healthcare provider before attempting to stop taking Xanax or alter your dosage regimen.

Cutting Down on Xanax

Lowering the dosage gradually while under a provider’s supervision is crucial to prevent rebound symptoms and properly manage Xanax withdrawal. Tapering off lessens the severity of withdrawal symptoms by assisting your body and brain in gradually adjusting. Individual variables, like as dose, length of Xanax usage, and the existence of any underlying medical or psychiatric disorders, may affect the precise tapering timeline and duration.

Your doctor will evaluate your health and existing Xanax use to develop a customized tapering schedule. Throughout this approach, your physician will keep a careful eye on your development, provide psychological support for any anxiety that may arise, look into other therapies if necessary, and make sure that you get ongoing care after the tapering process is over.

Over dosage of Xanax Effects

When Xanax is used in excess of the authorized maximum dosage, an overdose may occur. This can result in a range of potentially fatal medical symptoms and problems. Here are a few outcomes of overdosing:

In the event that a Xanax overdose is suspected, get medical help right once. In a regulated clinical setting, skilled healthcare providers are able to provide the antidote for benzodiazepine overdose (flumazenil [14*]) and carry out further medical measures.

Xanax and Other Drug Interactions

Combining Xanax with other prescription pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter treatments, or narcotics used recreationally carries a risk of unknown health consequences. Their interactions have the potential to have negative effects by either amplifying or decreasing the effects of each medicine.

The sedative effects of Xanax may be amplified when used with other CNS depressants, such as alcohol, opioids, some sleep aids, or other benzodiazepines. Respiratory depression, extreme sleepiness, poor coordination, disorientation, and an increased risk of accidents and injuries are some effects of this. The chance of an overdose is also significantly increased. Combining Xanax with stimulant medications may put a lot of strain on the heart, increasing the risk of cardiac problems including arrhythmias and high blood pressure.

Combining Xanax with other medications increases the chance of becoming physically and psychologically dependent on many narcotics, which exacerbates the risk of addiction. Inform your healthcare practitioner of all the drugs you use on a regular basis. They can advise you on safe medication interactions and steer you clear of combinations that might be hazardous.

Xanax Dependency and Rehabilitation

An individual with xanax addiction [15*] is unable to resist the need to take the medication, even when doing so is harmful. It may result in mental and physical reliance, which makes it difficult to stop without going through withdrawals. Strong cravings for the drug, difficulty stopping usage in spite of negative side effects, and potential tolerance or physical dependence are all signs of addiction. Even when prescribed, misusing Xanax may result in addiction.

Treatment for Xanax addiction should be tailored to each patient’s specific requirements and usually involves the following organized procedure:

A long-term recovery from Xanax addiction often requires ongoing monitoring and assistance.

In summary

For those who are considering using Xanax or who are currently taking it, it is important to have a thorough awareness of all possible negative effects. Many typical side effects may result from using Xanax, therefore it’s important to watch out for more serious unpleasant effects. Although Xanax may provide significant relief from anxiety and panic attacks, using it requires caution and the knowledgeable advice of a medical practitioner.


What does Xanax do for women?

The effects of Xanax are not gender-specific; both men and women experience the same side effects. It works well to lessen anxiety symptoms and lessen the severity of panic episodes. It may also help to encourage sleep. Only under a doctor’s supervision and with a prescription should you use Xanax.

What should you avoid while taking alprazolam?

It’s crucial to abstain from alcohol, grapefruit juice, and medications that depress the central nervous system when using alprazolam, including opioids, sedative-hypnotics like sleeping pills, and muscle relaxants. In order to prevent interactions, patients should avoid taking Xanax with other drugs, pay close attention while driving or using heavy equipment, and never stop taking Xanax suddenly or modify the dose without first seeing a healthcare provider.

Is alprazolam a high-risk medication?

Alprazolam is, in fact, regarded as a high-risk drug. Because of a number of factors, including its known potential for addiction and dependence, the discomfort and difficulty of managing withdrawal symptoms, the development of tolerance with continued use, its sedative effects, and the possibility of drug interactions, it is generally not advised for long-term use.

Who should avoid Xanax?

Only under a doctor’s supervision and with a prescription should you use Xanax. Before utilizing it, certain populations may need to exercise more care. These include women who are expecting or nursing, people with a history of substance abuse, older adults who are more susceptible to the effects of Xanax, people who have certain medical conditions (such as depression, liver disease, or respiratory problems), and people who are taking specific medications (such as opioids, antihistamines, or antidepressants). People who are allergic to Xanax or any of its ingredients, as well as those who have a history of benzodiazepine dependency, should also proceed with care.

Do the side effects of Xanax go away?

Like many drugs, Xanax’s adverse effects might differ from person to person. Certain adverse symptoms, such fatigue or lightheadedness, could disappear rather rapidly when the body becomes used to the drug. Others, such as mood swings or cognitive impairment, could not go away as long as the drug is used. See your healthcare provider if Xanax is causing unpleasant side effects or if you have questions about how long they will last.

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